When you think about healthy eating, get creative! Think—fresh, frozen or canned—it all counts! Cover those plates with color to help balance calories and maintain a healthy weight. Check out our featured programs to learn more about the power of fruits and veggies, how to build healthy habits, and follow dietary guidelines.

April Veggie of the Month: Asparagus
The April Vegetable of the Month is Asparagus! Did you know they are actually loaded with health benefits? Learn More.

SD Harvest of the Month
A FREE and versatile teaching program that can be used by anyone interested in helping kids get excited about eating more fruits and vegetables!
Eating nutritious meals and snacks is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Use the filters below to find inspiration, tips, recipes, and ideas on how to get more from your food!

January Veggie of the Month: Arugula

December Fruit of the Month: Mandarin Oranges

November Fruit of the Month: Cranberries

October Veggie of the Month: Sweet Potatoes

Healthy Eating Tips for Busy People

September Fruit of the Month: Avocado

August Veggie of the Month: Zucchini

July Fruit of the Month: Apricots

June Fruit of the Month: Blueberries

National Barbecue Day: May 16th

May Veggie of the Month: Collard Greens

April Fruit of the Month: Lemons

March Veggie of the Month: Bell Peppers

February Veggie of the Month: Dried Beans

A Heart-Healthy Diet for Valentine’s Day

January Fruit of the Month: Grapefruit

December Veggie of the Month: Celery

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

November Fruit of the Month: Chokecherry

October Fruit of the Month: Squash

September Fruit of the Month: Apple

August Veggie of the Month: Sweet Corn

July Veggie of the Month: Cucumbers

June Fruit of the Month: Cantaloupe

May Fruit of the Month: Pea

Harvest of the Month Testimonials

April Veggie of the Month: Asparagus

2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines

Everything You Need to Know About Harvest of the Month

March Veggie of the Month: Garlic

February Fruit of the Month: Cherry

January Veggie of the Month: Cabbage

December Veggie of the Month: Leek

Healthy Snacks on the Go

Get the Dirt on Vegetables You Can Grow without a Garden

November Fruit of the Month: Pear

October Veggie of the Month: Broccoli

September Veggie of the Month: Beet

August Fruit of the Month: Eggplant

Are Frozen and Canned Produce Just as Healthy as Fresh Produce?

July Fruit of the Month: Okra

June Fruit of the Month: Strawberry

Brain Foods that May Help You Concentrate

The Best and Worst Beverages for Weight Loss

May Veggie of the Month: Artichoke

Fresh, Frozen and Canned ALL Count

March Veggie of the Month: Cooked Greens

February Veggie of the Month: Parsnip

January Veggie of the Month: Spinach

April Fruit of the Month: Plum

Plan. Shop. Save. Prep.

October Veggie of the Month: Tomatoes

September Veggie of the Month: Rhubarb

August Veggie of the Month: Carrots

July Fruit of the Month: Watermelon

Tips for Shopping at Farmers Markets

15 Tips for Healthy Cooking at Home

March Veggie of the Month: Brussels Sprouts

February Fruit of the Month: Grapes

Choosing Nutrient-Dense Foods

9 Tips to Make Healthier Holiday Choices

Planning your Thanksgiving Feast!

Avocados Are Awesome!

Gardening with Kids: You Can Grow It!

Tips for Cooking Healthier at Home During National Nutrition Month®!

Stocking a Heart Healthy Kitchen

Raising Healthy Eaters in the New Year

Is a Gluten-Free Diet Safe?

The Delicious & Nutritious Superpowers of Diabetes-Friendly Foods

Herb App for Herb Safety and Effectiveness

Healthy Eating: 101

How to Incorporate Healthy Eating in Childcare Settings

Apricot Lesson Plan

Bell Peppers Lesson Plan

Blueberry & Cranberry Lesson Plan

Broccoli Lesson Plan

Cabbage Lesson Plan

Carrot Lesson Plan

Celery Lesson Plan

Cooked Greens Lesson Plan

Corn Lesson Plan

Cucumber Lesson Plan

Dried Beans Lesson Plan

Dried Fruit Lesson Plan

Grapefruit Lesson Plan

Grape Lesson Plan

Green Beans Lesson Plan

Kiwi Lesson Plan

Lemon & Lime Lesson Plan

Mandarin Lesson Plan

Mango Lesson Plan

Melon Lesson Plan

Onion and Leek Lesson Plan

Papaya Lesson Plan

Peach Lesson Plan

Pear Lesson Plan

Pea Lesson Plan

Pomegranate Lesson Plan

Pineapple Lesson Plan

Plum Lesson Plan

Raspberry and Blackberry Lesson Plan

Root Vegetable Lesson Plan

Salad Greens Lesson Plan

Spinach Lesson Plan

Squash Lesson Plan

Strawberry Lesson Plan

Sweet Potato Lesson Plan

Tomato Lesson Plan

Zucchini Lesson Plan

Beet Lesson Plan

Banana Lesson Plan

Avocado Lesson Plan

Asparagus Lesson Plan

Apples Lesson Plan

National Nutrition Month: Go Further with Food

Coconut Oil – Healthy or Unhealthy?

Avocados: Good or Bad?

Good Choices Can Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Tips for Starting Solid Foods

Finding Balance: Calories & Physical Activity

Childcare Providers: Check out this Months Mealtime Memo!

Make it a Whole Grain

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Portion Size Matters

Are All Sugars Created Equal?

What is a Healthy Weight for Me?

Food Safety Cook-Off

Is Your Child Getting too Much Salt?

Grab N’ Go to the Classroom

Make Your Valentine’s Day Classroom Party Chocolate-Free

Are Supplements Safe?

Realistic & Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Power-Packed Protein for Back-to-School

A New Look for the Nutrition Label!

Food & Drink Guidelines for Childcare Centers, Daycares & Adult Care Homes

Spice It Up During National Nutrition Month

2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines are Finally Here

Bone Health and Your Diet

Is Your Kid Over-Caffeinated?

8 Gameday Nutrition Tips for Young Athletes

School Success Starts With Dairy

Fruits & Veggies—More Matters!

Fun Family Recipes

DASH = Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Patterns in South Dakota

Be Mindful of Food & Medication Interactions

Getting Kids to Help in the Kitchen

Blood Test Might Help Tell When Peanut Allergy is Gone

Can Vitamin C Ward Off a Stroke?

Teens Eat Too Much Salt, Raising Obesity Risk

The Buzz on Energy Drinks

Parents of Obese Children Underestimate Weight?

Added Sugar in Diet Tied to Death Risk From Heart Trouble

Why Fruits and Vegetables Matter for Men

Heart Healthy Meals for Busy Parents

Choose Smart, Choose Healthy

What to Feed Your Preschooler

USDA Makes Permanent Meat and Grain Serving Flexibilities in National School Lunch Program

What to Consider with a High Protein Diet

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator for Kids and Teens

Kids Portion Size Versus Serving Size

Important Nutrients to Know: Water

What Are Chia Seeds?

The Health Benefits of Tea

Cooking Tips for One

Understanding Vitamins and Minerals

Important Nutrients to Know: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fat

Overcoming Roadblocks to Healthy Eating

10 Tips to Help You Eat and Drink More Dairy Foods

TLC: Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes for Healthier Cholesterol

15 Tips to Lower Your Cholesterol

The New Low-Cholesterol Diet: Oats and Oat Bran

Steps to Boost Digestive Health

Health Benefits and Culinary Uses of Mushrooms

Healthy Food Imposters—Don’t Be Fooled

The Debate Over Sugary Drinks

Energy Drinks & Food Bars: Power or Hype?

Rainbow Fruit Salad

Super Tracker Tips for the Food Groups

Chic Penne

Happy Healthy Eating

Understanding Calories

Fun Fruit Kabobs

April is National Pecan Month

Figuring Out Fat & Calories

Serve Kids Power Foods