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National Barbecue Day: May 16th

Summer is just around the corner—and so is National Barbecue Day, which takes place on May 16th. When you think of food that is barbecued, you might think about grilled hamburgers and hotdogs paired with fries. These foods are fine in moderation, but it’s possible to make more health-conscious meals on the grill. Let’s talk more about how to celebrate National Barbecue Day in a healthy way.

Healthy Grilling Options

Instead of opting for hamburgers and other red meats on National Barbecue Day, choose a leaner meat to grill, like chicken breasts. If you want to eat a burger without the beef patty, try making a Grilled Chicken Burger topped with fresh veggies on a whole wheat bun. Kabobs are another great healthy meal that can be made on the grill. These Lamb Kabobs are simple, flavorful and packed with veggies.

Family Activities to Enjoy

Since National Barbecue Day calls for your family to go outside and grill, it only makes sense that you have some outdoor activities planned for the day. Staying active is just as important as eating well, so try to encourage your family to participate in activities that get them moving. Set up an outdoor scavenger hunt or an obstacle course for the kids, or, if you’re celebrating with adults, try playing an adult-approved outdoor game like cornhole or disc golf.

Places to Have a BBQ

You deserve to celebrate National Barbeque Day in a beautiful outdoorsy area, like the state parks we have in South Dakota. For a scenic and safe place to barbeque, choose a state park like Union Grove, Rocky Point Recreation Area or Hartford Beach.

In preparation for visiting a state park, talk to your doctor about Park Rx. They can prescribe you a free day pass to enjoy National Barbeque Day at a state park!

For more information about staying healthy, browse the rest of our topics on our website. Together we can ensure a healthy South Dakota.