Park Rx
It’s no secret that a healthy dose of fresh air provides actual medical benefits for the human body. Now, your health care practitioner can write you a Park Prescription, which is redeemable for a free 1-day pass to any South Dakota state park or a discounted annual pass for year-round activity.
Regular outdoor exercise is proven to benefit both physical and mental health, and it doesn’t take a big investment of time to make a big difference. Not only does it get the heart pumping and the body moving, even light outdoor exercise can improve cognitive development, reduce stress and improve your mood.
Talk to your doctor today to see if they participate in the South Dakota Park Prescription program. If not, it’s easy for them to sign up and start writing prescriptions.
Conversation starters for doctors and patients:
1. Weekly Physical Activity
This is a chance for patients to share their current activity level and for doctors to suggest some small, simple changes to help people get more active.
2. Family Activities
What does the patient’s family like to do together on a regular basis? If quality time more often than not means TV time, the physician can offer tips to get the whole family more active. What if commercial breaks turned into a fitness break?
3. Aspirational Activities
What are the patient’s goals? Run a 5K? Climb stairs easily? Longer playtimes with grandkids? When physicians understand their patients’ motivations, they can work together to set achievable goals and a plan to reach them.