Mom breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Support Model Policy

Supportive breastfeeding policies and practices in the workplace not only benefit the employee but also provide a number of benefits to the baby and the employer.

The Breastfeeding Support Model Policy was developed to provide businesses with guidelines and guidance on ways to support breastfeeding employees including information on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which requires employers to provide nursing mothers who are hourly workers with:

1) reasonable break time to express breast milk for one year after her child’s birth each time such employee has the need to express breast milk; and

2) a private space, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion of others, to express breast milk.

Visit Good & Healthy SD for a customizable model policy framework you can use as is or modify with your personal organizational branding to meet the unique needs of your community or facility.